Integration is the key topic in every big enterprise environment. As there are a lot of solutions, enabling the automation of special tasks, it becomes more and more problematical to exchange the data and to establish two-way communications between the different applications. The complexity rises, when even third party and external companies have to be integrated.
It is obvious that a faulty or insufficient integration is the biggest risk and cost factor.
Complex integrations have to follow given standards using state of the art technologies.
Mobility can help retailers to reduce the costs significantly. The major reason for that is the possibility to automate existing business processes. But not only the automation of the business process as an important point, mobility is also opening new possibilities to mobilize the business process. Performing the business process where it really takes place, can save a lot of time.
In order to define, which business processes should be implemented as mobile solution and in order to decide, how to do it, it is important to understand that almost every company has different business processes. Even processes, which look very similar, are at the most times different. One of such a simple but usually slightly different business process is the inventory management.
The third important point to create or change an existing business process is the information about the environment of the business process where the mobile solution has to be integrated. The mobile process is usually just a small part of the whole business process of the enterprise.
The right concept to educate your employees can significantly reduce the business risks and directly increase your profit. TrainingPLUS is a software library which helps to create and deploy any standard eLearning material within your enterprise. Besides typical content, like video, sound, flash, image and many other, trainingPLUS can also integrate youtube and slideshare.
Nowadays a POS solution is much more than just a piece of software and hardware calculating some values and creating the total. Today we are facing a complex store environment which is controlled by a central intelligence, called POS, connected to many subsystems in a bigger network. Many different elements have to be linked together and work smoothly with each other like self-checkout, personal shopping assistants, queue busting, complex promotions, customer loyalty, central store management, retail specific business intelligence, fraud detection, security systems, cash management concepts and many other elements. All these components have to be controlled by the head office ERP system, but local control has to be present within the store. The store based system is the Point of Sale solution.
It has already become a tradition in Croatia. The holding of the 5th summit means that for 5 years it has been a part of the IT community. It doesn't only bring the latest technologies and solutions to the market but it would not be an exaggeration to say that this event is setting the trends in Croatian retail IT environment.
Service Plus is proud to be the main sponsor for these past 5 years.
This time we are preparing something very special. This time we will not only talk about future solutions, we will also present one – a concept and solution which is unique in the world. There is nobody today with the same solution or even a similar implementation.
We are talking about revolutionary way to bring the social networks directly into the store.
It is easy to imagine the benefits of this. Bringing social networks into the store means bringing an unbelievably large number of potential new customers directly into the store.
In the last few months, Service Plus together with world-leading providers of different hardware technologies, have developed a great solution. Together with one of the most innovative retailers, C&A, we will demonstrate a real use case to Croatian retailers.
Come to the 5th Croatian Retail IT Summit and be inspired by the most innovative solutions!